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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
IssueChanging home directory to auto .. yngens35 years 7 months ago
Issuefatal: destination path '/usr/libexec/webmin/.~files/webadmin' already exists and is not an empty directory yngens105 years 7 months ago
IssueThe option "Show Webmin switch in navigation menu for server owners" keeps reverting to "No" yngens195 years 7 months ago
IssueConfirm successful execution of custom commands yngens65 years 7 months ago
IssueSync what Webmin incorrectly is showing under "Running now?" column of Bootup and Shutdown page for Advanced Firewall Policy yngens175 years 7 months ago
IssueRequest to add "Delete all messages" to postfix queue page yngens25 years 7 months ago
IssueShow which one of the virtual servers is default to the IP in the list yngens55 years 7 months ago
IssueHow can I allow webmin user access to Custom Commands? isdahlc175 years 7 months ago
IssuePassword Protection written in between # BEGIN WordPress and # END WordPress in .htaccess, gets overwritten randomly amityweb85 years 7 months ago
Issuelibxml-simple-perl is not installed by installer on Debian 9 newvolition65 years 7 months ago
IssueCannot remove images from LVM partition if VM contained a swap partition without rebooting the entire cloud server dlynes65 years 7 months ago
IssueChanging Hostname/Domain Name Does Not Update Postfix micster45 years 7 months ago
IssueLDAP Generate SSL Certificate is broken kindnation275 years 7 months ago
IssueSpam Filter Services sonoracomm175 years 7 months ago
Forum topicServer running out of memory, disabling Mariadb clickbizz25 years 7 months ago
Forum topicfilmin can't extract all folders in zip files Bassem05 years 7 months ago
Forum topicAutoresponder Emails Subject Charset UTF8 Problem chill_Surf05 years 7 months ago
Forum topicCuston Link stuartxt05 years 7 months ago
Forum topicHow can i install PHP 5.6 on Ubuntu 18.04 with Virtualmin? simon.b25 years 7 months ago
Forum topicPermission Issues on Directory nomi25 years 7 months ago
Forum topicXPL-Api documentation / newbie questions wurzelsepp105 years 7 months ago
Forum topicOnly showing 1 hard drive in webmin velocityplus05 years 7 months ago
Forum topicVery new and have questions about Cloud/virtualmin setup from scratch Phil1ooo35 years 7 months ago
Forum topicCloudmin-Pro virtualmin backup error in path instructions. scotwnw05 years 7 months ago
IssueExecuting cronjob as an php exact version netme35 years 7 months ago
