Hi all,
I have installed Majordomo with Postfix and after some initial problems it is now beginning to work as expected.
Some of the problems I am having have to do with the LOCK files majordomo applies when it responds to commands such as "lists". These commands are not being completed and the lock files are not being deleted. A typical error message from Majordomo to the list owner is
MAJORDOMO ABORT (mj_majordomo)!!
Can't open /usr/local/majordomo/lists/somelist.config
When I try to troubleshoot the problem I see that the lock files are owned by nobody:nobody and all the interface created files are owned by majoromo:daemon. /etc/password shows the respective groups separated about as you would expect:
daemon:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin:/sbin/nologin nobody:x:99:99:Nobody:/:/sbin/nologin majordomo:x:505:505::/home/majordomo:/bin/bash
The lock files are mode 660.
I'm not sure why the lock files are being created by nobody... the "wrapper" program is owned by majordomo:daemon, but then I don't know that the wrapper is creating the lock.
Any suggestions?
Thanks for your time, Tony
Maybe try making majordomo a member of the nobody group? i.e., edit /etc/group, and find the nobody line and add majordomo to it:
The other option would be to run majordomo as user nobody. Assuming majordomo is secure, this shouldn't be a problem. Fingers crossed. This also assumes that majordomo respects secondary groups, which may or may not be the case.
Oh, actually Postfix has a user option for pipes:
I'm not actually sure how one goes about using that, though! Hmm... Stumbling blocks. I'll have to do a bit of googling on that.
You should note that I haven't seen or maintained a majordomo mailing list in...maybe 9 years. (This is not to say I like or recommend Mailman more. Just that I have probably only seen Mailman lists during this century, and that my ability to be helpful is hindered by my ignorance of the subject.)
Check out the forum guidelines!
Yeah, that pretty much fixed it.
In /etc/passwd, I changed majordomo's group to nobody (99), and I chowned majordomo:nobody majordomo and wrapper.
I now have BOTH majordomo and mailman running, WITH the virtualmin interfaces, all under postfix.
Now that was an adventure.