Create Virtual Server - Change Home directory

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#1 Wed, 03/25/2009 - 05:35

Create Virtual Server - Change Home directory

New to Virtualmin, but so far like it better than Plesk and Cpanel, though the organization is a bit confusing (menu order and names).

I am setting up a new vhost to run Joomla 1.5.x - Joomla needs a username and password for configuration. The default setup uses Administration username as the Administration group name as well as the name for the Home directory.

My question is whether there is any security issue in having these all the same.

Also, I would like to change the Home directory to another name, but there is no explicit way to do this.

What do you suggest?

Sun, 06/07/2009 - 07:48


Indeed, the UI can be a little ... odd in some areas :-) Joe has been hard at work at an improved theme that should hopefully take care of that.

Regarding passwords -- sure, having a different password everywhere is more security than having the same password everywhere -- so long as the passwords don't end up written down somewhere for all to see :-)

The Virtualmin default is there to keep things simple for folks, but those interested in improving security are encouraged to change the password.

Regarding the home directory -- are you referring to changing the homedir for all Virtualmin users to something other than /home, or are you referring to where Joomla is installed?

Changing things from /home to something else can be problematic, since Apache's suexec is compiled to work with /home -- though if you're really interested in changing it, you can look in Server Settings -> Module Config -> Defaults for new domains, and you can tweak the home directory settings there.

But again, remember that if you're using suexec (which is a nice security feature), moving it outside of /home will cause problems :-)

Wed, 03/25/2009 - 15:02
ronald's picture

look at first option as i described: Change Domain Name

Wed, 03/25/2009 - 06:25

Thanks for the reply.

I do not want to change /home -- only the directory under it /home/<b>sitename </b>- this will make it easier to remember which site is in which directory.

Should I set up the vhost with the same user and group, or make them different? Which works best from the standpoint of Apache and file/directory ownership issues for Joomla? It seems like the only way to do this is during setup by changing the &quot;Group for mailbox users&quot; - again not real intuitive.

Wed, 03/25/2009 - 06:28 (Reply to #4)

Hmm, well, while using suexec, I've never run into any file permission issues within Joomla.

Also, the directory under /home, by default, is named after the username of the Virtual Server owner.

I believe you could modify the &quot;Home subdirectory&quot; setting in the &quot;Defaults for new domains&quot; screen that I mentioned above to change that default.

Wed, 03/25/2009 - 07:59
ronald's picture

the sitename as you say is called the administration username
You can fill in anything you want during setup.
Create Virtual Server - New virtual server details - Administration username either: Automatic or: Custom username

for existing try:
Server Configuration - Change Domain Name - Leave domainname as is but change: Change administration username? and Change home directory? then hit save

Wed, 03/25/2009 - 08:08

I have Virtualmin 3.66 gpl and it only has the following options:

<b>Server Configuration</b>
Change Domain Name
Change IP Address
DNS Options
Edit Proxy Website
Email Settings
Move Virtual Server
Spam and Virus Delivery

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