No SSL option for virtual domains

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#1 Fri, 03/20/2009 - 10:18

No SSL option for virtual domains

Hello, I installed the latest version (as of yesterday) of webmin and virtualmin/gpl through rpm on fedora 10. Everything seems to be ok and I can create domains just fine. I have openssl installed on system and I am using ssl with webmin. But there is no option for creating ssl version of the virtual site (it was there in my last installation). Is there a switch somewhere that needs to be turned on? Thanks in advance.

Fri, 03/20/2009 - 10:44
ronald's picture

select the domain, then see under - Administration Options - Edit Owner Limits - Allowed capabilities and features - Allowed features for servers

and enable SSL website

then under Server Configuration of that domain should be a link Manage SSL Certificate

Fri, 03/20/2009 - 10:53 (Reply to #2)

Thanks for pointing me to the right direction. Actually I had to select Features and plugins - ssl website (which required adding mod_ssl). Now it works. Thanks again.

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