spamtrap in 3.65 - what does per-domain level mean

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#1 Thu, 01/22/2009 - 03:30

spamtrap in 3.65 - what does per-domain level mean

The spamtrap feature is a "spamtrap and hamtrap aliases on a per-domain level".

When checking the mail.log I see mails to spamtrap@domain.tld delivered to /var/virtualmin-traps/spam/

That does look more like a domain independent feature. Which is good because all my clients can use the same spamtrap@myvirtualminserver.tld address for sending spam.

So what exactly does "per-domain level" mean?

Thu, 01/22/2009 - 05:46

That's a good question, and I'd love to see an explanation of that feature myself.

I'd go ahead and pop your question into the Bugs and Issues tracker (link below) -- Jamie will either explain it, or maybe even write up a short tutorial on how it all works :-)

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