user backup fails - can't write back

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#1 Tue, 01/13/2009 - 04:27

user backup fails - can't write back

Hi i activated the backup fuction for users. Now i will test it. Backup is ok, is passed. But when I will wirte back the file, its called backup its stored in "useraccount/virtualmin-backup", the sytem sys me he can't find it. I saw the system calls a cgi script: "https//ServerIP:100000/virtual-server/restore_form.cgi". But ther is no script?

How can I restor backups in the userer account?

Can someone help me?

Pierre Arlt

Tue, 01/13/2009 - 04:32

It's now ok, i think it was a rights problem.

Tue, 01/13/2009 - 07:49 (Reply to #2)

I gave the file with chmod execute and reading rights. But when the user will restore his mysql Data the restor says me he can'T acess to mysql. But the user have the reights to manage mysql data?
Someone know this Problem?

Pierre Arlt

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