Problem in EC2/EBS, when I change DocumentRoot

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#1 Tue, 11/11/2008 - 01:18

Problem in EC2/EBS, when I change DocumentRoot

Hey there!

I am enjoying VirtualMin! And it's my first time deploying a Linux machine (CentOS5), and what better way to do it than trying it out on Amazon's EC2! And it is fun! I have deployed and configured everything that is required for my machine to serve websites, and VM is also running great!

Now, my VM is working perfectly with default settings and I am able to successfully Create Virtual Server.

However, when I change the DocumentRoot and other related directories (in Directives and settings for new website) by editing the default Server Template, it falls apart and fails to create the required directories in the NEW mentioned directory.

The new directory is an EBS storage device used for persistence of data. It's mounted in /persistent directory. So I am changing the configuration of Directives and settings for new websites as follows:

ServerName ${DOM} ServerAlias www.${DOM} DocumentRoot /persistent${HOME}/public_html ErrorLog /persistent${HOME}/logs/error_log CustomLog /persistent${HOME}/logs/access_log combined ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /persistent${HOME}/cgi-bin/ DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php index.php4 index.php5 <Directory /persistent${HOME}/public_html> Options -Indexes IncludesNOEXEC FollowSymLinks allow from all AllowOverride All </Directory> <Directory /persistent${HOME}/cgi-bin> allow from all </Directory>

(/persistent${HOME}/ translates to /persistent/home/domain/)

It fails with the following errors:

Setting Up Virtual Server In domain domain.tld Creating administration group domain .. .. done Creating administration user domain .. .. done Creating aliases for administration user .. .. done Adding administration user to groups .. .. done Creating home directory .. .. done Creating mailbox for administration user .. .. done Adding to email domains list .. .. done Adding default mail aliases .. .. done Adding new DNS zone .. .. done Adding new virtual website .. .. Apache website failed! : Failed to open /persistent/home/domain/logs/access_log for writing : Bad file descriptor at ../ line 1010. Setting up scheduled Webalizer reporting .. .. Webalizer reporting failed! : Failed to open /persistent/home/domain/public_html/stats/.htaccess for writing : Bad file descriptor at ../ line 1010. Setting up log file rotation .. .. done Creating MySQL login .. .. done Creating MySQL database domain .. .. done Setting up spam filtering .. .. done Setting up virus filtering .. .. done Setting up AWstats reporting .. Failed to copy AWstats program : Adding DAV directives to website configuration .. .. done Adding Subversion directives to website configuration .. .. done Adding Subversion account for server administrator .. done Creating Webmin user .. .. done Re-starting DNS server .. .. done Applying web server configuration .. .. not running! Re-loading Webmin .. .. done Saving server details .. .. done Sending email notification to domain owner .. .. email sent to domain@domain.tld

When I look into the /persistent directory, no directory structure has been created.

Now, can anyone please guide me into the right direction as to what needs to be done? Does it have anything to do with directory permissions (I even tried setting permissions of 777 on the '/persistent' directory but to no avail)? Has it anything to do with users and groups? Or is VM tied to the /home directory only?

Need guidance. Thank you. :)