phpMyAdmin Install as multi-user problem

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#1 Fri, 08/29/2008 - 07:32

phpMyAdmin Install as multi-user problem

Using Webmin/Virtualmin/Usermin on CentOS 5.2

I can install phpMyAdmin for an individual domain under /home/username/public_html/phpmyadmin and it works perfectly.

I tried to set it up as the "multi-user" method that the docs recommended, using aliases for the phpmyadmin directory under each Domain's directory, but when trying to visit the aliased page, it just times out.

Perhaps I've got the alias syntax wrong in Webmin/Virtualmin but am not sure.

Does anyone have a quick step-by-step on how to do this, including the exact syntax needed for the directory (directories?) entry?

Thanks in advance.

Fri, 08/29/2008 - 14:41
ronald's picture

why not have 1 general install where everybody can login to?

each user logs in with his own username/password and can only see its own databases.

Sat, 08/30/2008 - 04:43 (Reply to #2)

Thanks again for the suggestions, Ronald.

I actually solved the problem myself yesterday (yay, lol) and now all domains simply use the format http://www.(domain).(extension)/phpmyadmin and it works like a champ. They only see their own databases, as well. I also added the extra bits to the main Server Template so it will setup new Domains correctly. The only time-consuming step was adding the changes to the existing Domains, but they're all set now, too.

I think I'm finally beginning to get the hang of all this! ;)

Mon, 09/29/2008 - 00:25 (Reply to #3)
Ismet Togay

Hi RainbowViper,

I've been trying to do what you had already done, but no way!

Can you please tell us how you made it work?

I should add that my PHP scripts works as a FCGI(mod_fcgid) wrappers.


Sat, 10/18/2008 - 21:27 (Reply to #4)

Sorry for getting back to this post so late.

The way I got it to work was this.

I installed phpMyAdmin in /home/phpmyadmin

Then in Webmin -> Apache Webserver -> (Choose a Virtual Server)

Then, under "Create Per-Directory, Files or Location Options"
Type: Directory
Regexp?: Exact Match
Path: /home/phpmyadmin

Click the Create button. On the page that comes up (Per-Directory Options), make the settings for ALL the categories match those for /home/(account name)/public_html (from the previous page).

Then, back on the "Virtual Server Options" page, make an entry in Aliases and Redirects:
From: /phpmyadmin
To: /home/phpmyadmin

Once that's done, users can go to http://www.whatever-domain.whatever-extension/phpmyadmin and will get the login page for phpMyAdmin.

Hope that helped.

Fri, 10/17/2008 - 05:14


I'm using Debian and installing phpmyadmin with apt-get and making a symlink link between /usr/share/phpmyadmin and /home/domain1/public_html/phpmyadmin.

Same with domain2, a symlink link between /usr/share/phpmyadmin and /home/domain2/public_html/phpmyadmin.

Then I use this link


That's works


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