Debian Etch 4.0 and postfix-tls

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#1 Fri, 08/22/2008 - 01:04

Debian Etch 4.0 and postfix-tls

When you install Virtualmin GPL by you can found this problem:

INFO - 2008-08-22 07:50:42 - Removing Debian standard Webmin package, if they exist (because they're broken)... INFO - 2008-08-22 07:50:42 - Removing Debian apache packages... DEBUG - 2008-08-22 07:50:43 - Reading INFO - 2008-08-22 07:50:43 - Installing dependencies using command: /usr/bin/apt-get --config-file apt.conf.noninteractive -y --force-yes install postfix postfix-tls postfix-pcre webmin usermin ruby libapache2-mod-ruby libxml-simple-perl libcrypt-ssleay-perl unzip zip Reading package lists... Building dependency tree... Package postfix-tls is a virtual package provided by: postfix 2.3.8-2+etch1 You should explicitly select one to install. FATAL - 2008-08-22 07:50:44 - Fatal Error Occurred: Something went wrong during installation: 0 FATAL - 2008-08-22 07:50:44 - Cannot continue installation.

This is because postfix-tls is now a virtual package, TLS support in postfix is now built in main "postfix" debian packages.

Edit and delete postfix-tls package from it.
