Server Owner vs Master Admin

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#1 Mon, 06/16/2008 - 18:47

Server Owner vs Master Admin

I was able to create Server Owners who only had limited access but now I am not able to.

When I create a domain, the domain admin has full rights, NOT GOOD!

When I try to edit the "admin" I get: This webmin user should not be edited as it is managed by the Virtualmin Virtual Servers module. Yet I cannot find a way to edit the "Administrator username" listed in edit virtual user.

What is the correct way to create and/or edit a Virtual server administrator??????

Tue, 06/17/2008 - 04:12

I have not seen this on my own server so please explain full rights.

Tue, 06/17/2008 - 16:21 (Reply to #2)

A "administrator username" was created during a "create virtual server".

By full rights I mean when I log in as the &quot;administrator username&quot; it shows &quot;Login: <i>_adminuser_</i> (Master admin)&quot;
and the main screen has buttons to &quot;Stop Acache&quot; &quot;Stop mail server&quot; &quot;Stop MySQL&quot;.

They can also delete any of the other domains!

Tue, 06/17/2008 - 22:44 (Reply to #3)

I haven't seen this bug at all on any servers I maintain.

Thu, 06/19/2008 - 09:39 (Reply to #4)

So is there a way to edit an webmin user so that they are not a &quot;Master admin&quot;? Is there just a flag that marks a webmin user as a master admin vs. a &quot;server Owner&quot;? Where is this stored?

could it may be because I reset some of the defaults in the Virturalmin Virtual Servers module Config? Is there a way to reset it to the defaults?

Would completly removing Webmin &amp; Virturalmin and reinstalling fix this?

I clearly cannot give domain owners the ability to shutdown apache, sendmail, etc

Thu, 06/19/2008 - 11:36 (Reply to #5)

I certainly can't tell what is going on without looking at your server

Thu, 06/19/2008 - 13:20 (Reply to #6)
Joe's picture

<div class='quote'>Would completly removing Webmin &amp; Virturalmin and reinstalling fix this?</div>

Goodness, don't do that! That's the worst possible solution to what is probably a very simple problem...and will break every user in Virtualmin, because uninstalling Virtualmin removes all Virtualmin meta-data.

I'll see if I can replicate your problem and come up with some steps to correct it easily and get back to this thread shortly. But I wanted to make sure you don't think uninstalling is a sane solution!


Check out the forum guidelines!

Thu, 06/19/2008 - 13:47 (Reply to #7)

I tested this on the Pro and GPL and can't repoduce this at all.

Thu, 06/19/2008 - 14:03 (Reply to #8)

Is there any more info I could provide to help you replicate. Backups, etc.

This is a brand new install of virtualmin GPL and I have only created a couple of domains with it. I dont think a reinstall would all that bad since most of the domains were just &quot;Imported&quot; I could just import them again. I have been editing my system config files manually for a long time for just the handful of domains I host anyway.

Thu, 06/19/2008 - 14:17 (Reply to #9)

If you are going to do that you might as well let Jamie or Joe get on your server and look.

Thu, 06/19/2008 - 14:49 (Reply to #10)

Not that I am opposed to letting them but I clearly dont want to post access here and hope they are the only ones who log in!!

Thu, 06/19/2008 - 15:38 (Reply to #11)
Joe's picture

Hehehe...Nobody is suggesting you post login details in a public place.

My email address isn't a secret...I post it four or five times a day: (Couldn't be any easier to guess, either.)


Check out the forum guidelines!

Thu, 06/19/2008 - 23:23 (Reply to #12)


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