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i have installed webmin with virtualmin on centos5, where postfix is for mail. virtual server is working fine. i created a few user under virtualdomain, eg; but when i'm sending email, the from address is so when i replied, only can be used, but not
is there something i miss?
thanks in advance
Post edited by: junkredish, at: 2008/06/11 07:30<br><br>Post edited by: junkredish, at: 2008/06/11 07:36
So you installed Virtualmin manually, rather than using our automated install script? (I'm wanting to make sure we don't have a regression that prevents Usermin from getting configured properly.)
You didn't mention that you're using Usermin, but I assume you are (since the mail client is what determines the From: address, and Usermin would default to sending with addresses like the ones you're seeing if you didn't use our automated install script). Anyway, this is covered in the troubleshooting common problems guide, along with the steps to correct it:,troubleshooting_common_proble...
Check out the forum guidelines!
thanks for replying. problems resolved
to answer your question, i dont know about the script at first. btw, in the next few days i will install webmin+virtualmin at new server, so this script will be my first choice
just another question (maybe not a right place here), on your suggestion, is it better for me to install all the server (apache, postfix, mysql, etc) from the os installation or piece by piece by using webmin?
<div class='quote'>just another question (maybe not a right place here), on your suggestion, is it better for me to install all the server (apache, postfix, mysql, etc) from the os installation or piece by piece by using webmin?</div>
Neither. The point of the install script is to do everything for you--it's designed to take a fresh OS installation, and turn it into a fully functional Virtualmin system. See the installation docs:,automatic_virtualmin_installa...
Check out the forum guidelines!
yes, i installed virtualmin manually. usermin also installed
i follow the instruction form faq but now the from address is changed to user.virtualdomain@/etc/postfix/
for your info, i'm sending mail from usermin>mail>readmail>compose
emmm, now it's working, tq. but only if sending email from usermin. if i'm using squirelmail, the same problem occured. worst, if using outlook express or thunderbird, email cant been sending out, only receiving
Outlook and Thunderbird are a completely different problem than Squirrelmail (because they come from outside the server, while squirrel is a local client, just like Usermin).
I suspect you're missing a step in setting up for using @ in usernames. See this bit in the FAQ:,frequently_asked_questions/#w...
Take special heed of the bit about saslauthd. Basically you need the -r option in the saslauthd startup parameters, or it will ignore domain information.
I dunno about SquirrelMail. I've never used it, except to briefly test the Install Scripts installation.
So, out of curiosity, did you install Virtualmin manually by choice (maybe because you had an existing production system and wanted to add Virtualmin), or just because you didn't know there was an automated install script available? (We still see a lot of manual installs...and all of the trouble that comes from installing that way...and I'd like to save people all of that trouble, if possible.)
Check out the forum guidelines!