Virtualmin as DNS Hsoting Only

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#1 Sat, 06/07/2008 - 19:19

Virtualmin as DNS Hsoting Only

Hello guys.... Does anyone know if i can run virtualmin as a DNS Server/DNS Hosting only Control panel.

Example I have a couple of true complete hosting (50) DNS Server for my ohther control panel (50) DNS Server for my anti-spam/rbls (200) my windows server (2)

I was looking at 4pas DNS Manger, but i wondered if using a DNS hosting template, I can get same results.

Thanks Johny

Sun, 06/08/2008 - 00:38
Joe's picture

Virtualmin probably isn't really the right tool for the job. Webmin might be, though. You'll need to do a bit of coding to make a frontend that creates the Webmin users, but Webmin has a great BIND management module and really flexible ACLs already built granting access to a particular zone is really easy.


Check out the forum guidelines!

Sun, 06/08/2008 - 13:56 (Reply to #2)


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