How to install in Solaris 10

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#1 Mon, 05/19/2008 - 10:08

How to install in Solaris 10


can anyone tell me, How to install installation script in Solaris 10 /open Solaris ??



Mon, 05/19/2008 - 13:12
Joe's picture

Howdy Partha,

Are you installing Virtualmin Professional or Virtualmin GPL? If the latter, we have not released an install script for Virtualmin GPL on Solaris yet--we will, but it's not ready yet.

If Virtualmin Professional, you would download the install script labeled "Solaris" in the Serial Numbers page ( ), set it executable with "chmod +x", and then run it with "./".

The Virtualmin GPL version of the script will probably take a few more weeks to be released, as I have so many other things on my todo list before June 5th when the Early Adopter period ends.


Check out the forum guidelines!

Tue, 06/17/2008 - 07:31 (Reply to #2)

Humm, I will wait for that, after , I will buy when discount. But, I will suggest you, make it more easy like lxadmin, so anyone can use it easily.


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