Setup SSL problem ! HELP PLS !

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#1 Mon, 05/12/2008 - 22:44

Setup SSL problem ! HELP PLS !

Hi, When i'm trying to enable an SSL website, i get this error message :

Failed to modify server : SSL cannot be enabled unless a virtual IP interface or private port is enabled

What is virtual IP interfaceand how to create it ? What is private portand how to create it ?

PS : i only have 1 IP address and 1 network interface

I'm desperate ... please help ...<br><br>Post edited by: Cyberyan, at: 2008/05/12 23:41

Tue, 05/13/2008 - 01:48
Joe's picture

This gave me a great excuse to try out our new handy dandy website search provided by Google!

Here's what it came up with (admittedly it was the fourth item, but it'll do):


Check out the forum guidelines!

Sun, 06/07/2009 - 07:22 (Reply to #2)

Hi Joe,

Thanks for your reply but this still doesn't work. I've setup several times other server with SSL Website, the error message comes after i click &acirc;

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