FTP directory restrictions

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#1 Fri, 05/09/2008 - 08:01

FTP directory restrictions

I receive the following error message when I click on the FTP directory restrictions link in the System Settings menu: "FTP directory restrictions can only be configured when the ProFTPd server is installed and in use"

ProFTPd is installed and working, and the VMIN config check sees it.

Mon, 05/12/2008 - 10:41

I too am experiencing this error. I have restarted my machine after installing virtualmin 3.56gpl on Webmin 1.410. ProFTPd is installed and working. All help is appreciated.

Mon, 05/12/2008 - 12:29

Here's what I had to do to fix this.

1. Create a group called "ftp".
2. Open features and plugins under System Settings.
3. Check ProFTPd Server and save.

Once I did these things, the FTP directory restrictions work like a charm.

Mon, 05/12/2008 - 20:02

cool. thanks, although now I have some issues with virtual FTP servers and IPs. I will figure out a way around it.

Mon, 05/12/2008 - 21:52 (Reply to #4)
Joe's picture

Have you read the help page about &quot;virtual FTP&quot;? You almost certainly don't need it or want it. It is <i>not</i> needed to provide FTP access to your server. It is <i>only</i> needed for anonymous FTP access to a particular virtual host by name. e.g. something that HTTP does better and without needing a dedicated IP.


Check out the forum guidelines!

Tue, 05/13/2008 - 05:12

I haven't read the help info, but I haven't been using ProFTPd in this manner since I first configured Vmin and all of the other apps. I figured out how to config ProFTPd after I tried creating a second server on the system.

When he provided his solution, and I saw what had to be enabled I knew what the results would be, because it was why I had disabled this option in the System Settings. I just did not want to go in too much detail, because I figured if someone actually needed this enabled they probably won't be using Vmin the same way I or most other users do.

I just hadn't noticed the &quot;FTP directory restrictions&quot; link before, so I wasn't sure what the page was supposed to show.

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