Failed to create virtual server- error

1 post / 0 new
#1 Mon, 05/05/2008 - 09:14

Failed to create virtual server- error

I am a newbie and this may be a simple question but I am having trouble setting up my systems to manage.

This is my first installation of Virtualmin on Centos 5. The installation from the script installaed flawlessly and the status is that my "System is ready to use Virtualmin"

I just want to add the Linux servers I wish to monitor and manage.

After installing the first systems I get the following error, "Failed to create virtual server: The specified administration user already exists." How to I add the servers I want to manages?

Thanks in advance for the help.

cgreen6911<br><br>Post edited by:, at: 2008/05/07 12:09