Newbie help needed - Virtual Hosting / Domain

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#1 Mon, 05/05/2008 - 07:09

Newbie help needed - Virtual Hosting / Domain

I recently switched from Mac Os X Server to CentOS for speed and other reasons. I installed Webwin w/ Virtualmin and I am so lost and confused on a few things Ill list below.

I want to have multiple SSL domains on this machine, but I keep getting error messages if I create more than one Virtual Server with SSL. Failed to create virtual server : SSL cannot be enabled for more than one domain on the IP address unless a virtual IP interface or private port is enabled.

What the heck is this? On the Mac OS X I have have a machine with over 10 SSL certs running on one IP address.

Am I missing something here?

In Webmin Config I set up SSL Encryption. Then I go to Virtualmin and Add a new server. After I create one I cant create anymore. I get an error. Was I supposed to create a server a certain way so I can have this type of setup: with email addresses with mail addresses with mail addresses with mail addresses

Can someone please explain how this can be done and if I am doing something wrong or if I indeed need multiple IP addresses on a Linux platform to do this. I have a hard time believe Macs can do it but Linux cant.

Mon, 05/05/2008 - 16:29
Joe's picture

<div class='quote'>What the heck is this? On the Mac OS X I have have a machine with over 10 SSL certs running on one IP address.</div>

No you don't. There's no room in the SSL protocol for it. There is a new protocol that does permit name-based SSL hosting, but it's not a part of Apache yet, and it is only supported by a few quite new browsers.

When the SSL connection is setup, the only identifying information is the IP address--no name has been sent yet--so the same certificate is <i>always</i> sent for the same IP, no matter how many you think you've got configured.

So, you can use the <i>same</i> certificate for multiple hostnames on a single IP, but that removes identity from the equation, which is roughly half of the value of SSL. Virtualmin does not support this, because it's just not a very good idea. If you want to create the virtual hosts, and then create matching SSL-enabled VirtualHost sections in Webmin (using the same cert), feel free to do so.

<div class='quote'>I have a hard time believe Macs can do it but Linux cant.</div>

Mac or Linux is irrelevant here. They're both running the same web server (presumably).

You're just misunderstanding what it is you're actually accomplishing on the Mac system--and Virtualmin is refusing to let you have that misunderstanding. If that's a failing on our part, so be it.


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