Automated Backups SSH Delivery Non Standard Port

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#1 Fri, 05/02/2008 - 15:15

Automated Backups SSH Delivery Non Standard Port

Hey Joe,

Thanks for the quick answer concerning incremental backups being integrated into the domain backups.

Got another request / thought.

How hard would it be to add a tcp port option in the backups section so we could specify a non standard port for ssh delivery?

Here's my scenerio...

I've got a Cisco PIX firewall. It listens on TCP22 for admin functions. Can't change it to another port.

So, my ssh server which shares the interface's ip address has to use a non standard port.

I'd like to send backups to it, but can't since there is no port option.


John P.

Fri, 05/02/2008 - 16:39
Joe's picture

You can already do that. Just stick :port on the end of the address (I think). So, for example.


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