where is my spam???

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#1 Wed, 04/23/2008 - 19:22

where is my spam???

Hi, this might seem dumb but... where is my spam? I have installed the spam and anti-virus scripts and all seemed to go ok. All my domains have the option available and is selected. However, from what I can see - it is supposed to put spam in the /Maildir/.spam directory. I can't see this happening - there is no directory being created or anything. So, how can I check that : 1. Spam Filtering is working 2. Virus Filtering is working 3. That the directories are being created (when they are not there... yes, I used ls -a) .4 How do uses retrieve their 'spam' given 1.2 & 3 above are ok. ??
I log onto their account through webmail (round cube mail) and it just shows 'junk' folder - but nothing in it? Anyone ??