failed install script horde in virmin pro.....

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#1 Tue, 04/15/2008 - 04:52

failed install script horde in virmin pro.....

Found in cache ..

Installing PHP Pear module Mail_Mime ..

WARNING: channel "" has updated its protocols, use "channel-update" to update pear/Mail_Mime requires PEAR Installer (version >= 1.6.0), installed version is 1.4.9 pear/Mail_mimeDecode requires PEAR Installer (version >= 1.6.0), installed version is 1.4.9 pear/Mail_mimeDecode requires package "pear/Mail_Mime" (version >= 1.4.0, excluded versions: 1.4.0) No valid packages found install failed

.. failed to install!

I use Centos 5.1 and up to date too use yum update.... So what is my problem?<br><br>Post edited by: hardi, at: 2008/04/15 09:11

Tue, 04/15/2008 - 09:47

ok, i have done install horde. tread close..

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