VM 3.55 released?

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#1 Wed, 04/09/2008 - 20:21

VM 3.55 released?


according to the webmin page, VM 3.55 has been released. Is this true? I cannot find any info about it on this page or the "Virtualmin Package Updates" module.



Wed, 04/09/2008 - 23:02
Joe's picture

Virtualmin GPL 3.55 has been released on the Webmin site. Virtualmin Professional 3.55 is still in QC, and Virtualmin GPL rolls into our yum/apt repositories here at Virtualmin.com at the same time as Virtualmin Professional.

You aren't missing anything. I'm rolling it up as we speak.


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Thu, 04/10/2008 - 04:25 (Reply to #2)


I did a yum update CentOS 4.6 late last night and the check config prompt came up and on checking config it failed on procmail When I click the procmail module link to follow it brings up procmail correctly. But it has a warning:

"Warning - any rules defined below will not be used : Procmail is not enabled in your Postfix configuration. The configuration file /etc/postfix/main.cf must have the mailbox_command option set to /usr/bin/procmail."

I checked to verify that we do has Sendmail selected in VM config and it is, but the check checked Procmail for postfix setup. The MTA is still Sendmail so I'm confused. I can make the change but Postfix isn't running. I added the line "mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail " at the bottom of mail.cf and it fixed the check. Was this just a file system check?

I was surprised to see VM 3.55 in there already,


Thu, 04/10/2008 - 11:47 (Reply to #3)
Joe's picture

<div class='quote'>I checked to verify that we do has Sendmail selected in VM config and it is, but the check checked Procmail for postfix setup. The MTA is still Sendmail so I'm confused. I can make the change but Postfix isn't running. I added the line &quot;mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail &quot; at the bottom of mail.cf and it fixed the check. Was this just a file system check?</div>

That's a bug. It should, obviously, only be checking delivery configuration for the enabled MTA. File a ticket in the tracker, and Jamie will get it fixed in 3.56.


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