LDAP user handling

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#1 Mon, 04/07/2008 - 04:25

LDAP user handling

Hey There!

I've followed through the LDAP combining howto in the documentaions section and with the latest Webmin version everything is working fine except one thing. You should also setup LDAP authentication through PAM for Webmin and Usermin or the domain owners and mailbox accounts can't login to Webmin/Usermin. I would suggest to put this into the docs so other users won't run into this problem. :)<br><br>Post edited by: ScOut3R, at: 2008/04/14 08:52

Mon, 04/14/2008 - 06:43

Many thanks for your suggestion.

With LDAP can also manage more server installations from only one Virtualmin panel?

For example:

LDAP master server
LDAP slave server (optional)
Storage server with NFS for share /home and /etc directory
1,2,3 ... Hosting server with Virtualmin

But you can manage the same Virtual Domain from all hosting server.

Is possibile? In theory yes, I like to try ...

Mon, 04/14/2008 - 08:54 (Reply to #2)

As far as a i know you can ease the load on the Virtualmin server with other machines. You can distribute the LDAP and DNS to slave servers, you can setup backup mx machines and other database servers. But i wont place the hosted files on an NFS mount, because NFS under linux is quite unstable on high throughput.

Mon, 04/14/2008 - 10:25 (Reply to #3)
Joe's picture

<div class='quote'>With LDAP can also manage more server installations from only one Virtualmin panel?</div>

In theory, yes. Though it means all accounts are available on all machines, and storage would be a single point of failure. Though, GFS and similar redundant storage solutions would solve that problem (at some cost).

Our new product called VM2 (Virtualmin Machine Manager) is intended to manage many independent Virtualmin servers, so you don't need to know which server has which Virtualmin account on it. You just ask VM2 for the account and up it pops. No matter how many servers you have, you always login to the VM2 system, and it keeps up with where everything else is (while customers can login to either the server they &quot;live&quot; on, or the VM2 server and be bounced automatically to the right one).


Check out the forum guidelines!

Mon, 04/14/2008 - 10:27 (Reply to #4)
Joe's picture

Oh, yeah, I should also add that you need to have shared storage for all configuration world-facing services on all machines. The Apache configuration, for example isn't going to be handled by LDAP.


Check out the forum guidelines!

Mon, 04/14/2008 - 21:24 (Reply to #5)

Of course, my question was more theoretical than practical.

VM2 seems very interesting!

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