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The default shell for virtual host users created by virtualmin is sh. I have modified a user to bash in the "Users and Groups" section in WebMin. Does it affect the integrity of the settings of virtualmin?
Is it possible to create a template or something else to modify the default setting of shell and home location?
Btw, I found that the shell of the users postgres and mysql is bash. Should i change them to nologin?
Thanks very much for your time!<br><br>Post edited by: desperatedcoolman, at: 2008/03/28 19:31
<div class='quote'>Is it possible to create a template or something else to modify the default setting of shell and home location?</div>
Of course, but are you sure you really want to change the location of homes?
Anyway, the shell for virtual server owners is normally set in the System Users and Groups module configuration. The shell for FTP/mail users is set in the module configuration (usually /bin/false).
<div class='quote'>Btw, I found that the shell of the users postgres and mysql is bash. Should i change them to nologin?</div>
I'm pretty sure that would be a bad idea. Both need a shell for status checks and backups to work (I'm pretty sure, anyway).
Check out the forum guidelines!
Thanks very much!