PHPMyAdmin Install Script fails

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#1 Mon, 03/17/2008 - 09:54

PHPMyAdmin Install Script fails

Running VirtualMin3.54 Pro on Ubuntu Server 7.10 with PHP5 - the mysql module is installed and enabled in php.ini

When running the PHPMyAdmin install script I receive the following error:

Downloading (1859690 bytes) .. Received 1024 bytes (0 %) Received 186368 bytes (10 %) Received 372736 bytes (20 %) Received 558080 bytes (30 %) Received 744448 bytes (40 %) Received 930816 bytes (50 %) Received 1116160 bytes (60 %) Received 1302528 bytes (70 %) Received 1487872 bytes (80 %) Received 1674240 bytes (90 %) Received 1859690 bytes (100 %) .. download complete.

PHP module mysql is required ..

Module is not available even after installation!

What am I missing?

Mon, 03/17/2008 - 20:11

I just bought this system tonight, and I can't even get the main system installed. So take what I suggest with a grain of salt.

But if I were to venture a guess, it looks like MySQL server is not installing, or at least failing to be recognized.

Sorry if I'm not any help, still trying to even understand.


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