import domain breaks some, fixes others

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#1 Tue, 03/04/2008 - 17:44

import domain breaks some, fixes others

Summary: Import a domain name first, break the layout and visuals of the virtualmin module, but everything else works great. Add a domain name first, layout and visuals are great, sub-servers create their own master zone file rather than being added to their parents zone file.

This is odd, and I'm still not convinced it isn't coincidence. I have tested this theory a minimum of 20 times on two different servers. Both servers were running Debian 4. The first issue is (and i can also verify this part exists on CentOS) if after a good installation from .deb, .rpm, or by using webmin to install the .gz, if you ADD a domain first, the function to add sub domains (sub servers) to that same zone fails to function properly. For example, i start off with a clean install and ADD, owned by so far so good. Then I add with as the parent, and owned by This should simply add another line to the zone file that points to its proper place as an A name. It does not, it creates a new zone file

This is where it gets complicated, and the rest is only verified on Debian 4.

If i start with a clean install and the first thing i do is import any existing domain... lets say, then things are really strange. I am unable to get a server list, all the icons from the main virtualmin page are gone, and I have only a small 2 line form with an "Add new virtual server, owned by" button, a list to choose owner including <new user>, an "import virtual server" button, and a "migrate virtual server" button. Also there is a "return to previous page" link. Obviously this is not the correct operation, there is no list of servers, there is no icons, and even using the virtualmin theme, when i click server list, there is no list... however... it functions perfectly otherwise. The subdomains are added to their parents zone file properly, all domains work.

Sorry this is such a long read, but its a quite confusing problem and I would like some help testing to verify this is in fact really happening this way.

*** I have attached a screenshot that i have trimmed down to be smaller, but still include all relevant info, as well as edited only to remove private info. This is the "import first" type screenshot ***<br><br>Post edited by: daerious, at: 2008/03/04 17:47

Tue, 03/04/2008 - 17:50

Here's the screenshot... I hope... sorry

[img size=455]

Tue, 03/04/2008 - 19:29 (Reply to #2)
Joe's picture

I haven't had a chance to parse out exactly what problem you're describing or attempt to reproduce it, but I have the immediate question of: Why aren't you using the Virtualmin Framed Theme? Without it, Virtualmin is pretty much crippled hopelessly.


Check out the forum guidelines!

Tue, 03/04/2008 - 20:04 (Reply to #3)

I have tried using the virtualmin theme as well... This is a screen shot after I have clicked &quot;List Virtual Servers&quot;. The drop down menu does contain the servers, but they are not listed on the main page, nor is any of the configuration options...

Even with the virtualmin theme, if i import a domain before i have added a new domain, it goes goofy. After more testing along with the help of some friends ;), it is frustratingly random now as to the way it adds sub servers. If i add a domain first, the pages always look correct, with the list of servers and all, however it never adds sub servers the way it should (&quot;should&quot; based on reading documentation and forums). If i import a domain first, it always messes up the screen but seemingly randomly will add sub servers correctly, or in their own zone.

Tue, 03/04/2008 - 20:06 (Reply to #4)
Sat, 03/15/2008 - 12:49

did you ever get this figured out? I'm having the same issue. i can't get into the virtualmin anymore.

Sat, 03/15/2008 - 13:16 (Reply to #6)
Joe's picture

Looks like a bug. I'd recommend filing it in the tracker so Jamie can get it fixed. Assuming you're running the latest version of Virtualmin, of course.


Check out the forum guidelines!

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