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... failed with no reason:
[code:1]Install Script
In domain
Downloading (2249890 bytes) ...
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Ricevuti 1800192 bytes (80 %)
Ricevuti 2025472 bytes (90 %)
Ricevuti 2249890 bytes (100 %) complatato.
Now installing phpBB version 3.0.RC8 ..
phpBB configuration file failed
More information on using this script can be found at
.. failed! See the error message above for the reason why.[/code:1]
what does mean phpBB configuration file failed ?
Hello all,
Same issue here:
phpBB configuration file failed!
and when I searched for this string "phpBB configuration file failed!" in the bug tracker DB I did not find anything...
I did find this and copy it - and manually edited and inserted it in the /home/mysite/config.php file...
[code:1] <?php
// phpBB 2.x auto-generated config file
// Do not change anything in this file!
$dbms = "mysql";
$dbhost = "localhost";
$dbname = "dbnamehere";
$dbuser = "usernamehere";
$dbpasswd = "dbpasswordhere";
$table_prefix = "phpbb_";
define('PHPBB_INSTALLED', true);
A mysterious error is a bug. File it in the tracker, and we'll get it fixed (and Jamie will probably be able to advise you on a workaround).
Check out the forum guidelines!
Thank you Joe :)
Where is the tracker?
Click "Bugs and Issues" in the menu at the bottom of any page.
Check out the forum guidelines!
I'm having same issue tring to install phpBB 3.0.1
Found in cache ..
Now installing phpBB version 3.0.1 ..
phpBB database configuration failed
More information on using this script can be found at
.. installation was only partially complete.
Configuring Apache PHP settings ..
.. already done.
I'm riding on this post to see if you added it to the tracker; I couldn't find it doing a search; but didn't want to add it if it already existed.
Jeffrey Scott Flesher
Medically Retired Gulf War Vet
Just to let you know my issue turned out to be a mistake I made earlier by adding Joomla to a folder and not the Top level; then after I realized my mistake I uninstalled the Joomla Script and reinstalled it in the Top Level; doing a Validate Virtual Server Under Limits and Validation; gave an error folder joomla not found; I had to back up the Virtual Server and delete it and reinstall it to fix this; I think this needs to be fixed; it might be a bug; I did some searching and asked that question a few times and got no answer; but anyway after that it installed fine.
Jeffrey Scott Flesher
Medically Retired Gulf War Vet