Virtualmin server restore

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#1 Sun, 03/02/2008 - 02:55

Virtualmin server restore

I failed to restore the following domains.

This is the screens I got in the process (Server does not exist, will be re-created) Apache webserver configuration Server's home directory and web pages Virtual server password, description and other details Webalizer configuration and schedule Spam filtering Contents of server's MySQL databases Logrotate configuration for log file Mail/FTP users and mail aliases Records in DNS domain, except SOA Webmin ACL files DAV users file AWstats configuration file Mailman mailing lists (Server does not exist, will be re-created) Server's home directory and web pages Records in DNS domain, except SOA Webmin ACL files Spam filtering Mail/FTP users and mail aliases Apache webserver configuration Logrotate configuration for log file Webalizer configuration and schedule Virtual server password, description and other details Contents of server's MySQL databases AWstats configuration file Mailman mailing lists DAV users file Records in DNS domain, except SOA Server's home directory and web pages Logrotate configuration for log file Webalizer configuration and schedule Contents of server's MySQL databases Apache webserver configuration Webmin ACL files Mail/FTP users and mail aliases Virtual server password, description and other details Spam filtering Mailman mailing lists AWstats configuration file

DAV users file

Then when I clicked the Restore Now button, I got


Starting restore of 3 domains from /virtualmin on FTP server x.x.x.x ..

Downloading archive from FTP server .. .. done

Extracting backup archive file .. .. done

Backup does not contain virtual server information for missing domain

.. failed! See the progress output above for the reason why.


Where was I wrong ?

Mon, 03/03/2008 - 17:40
Joe's picture

I dunno. Might be a bug, if you're sure this backup contained the virtual server in question. I'd recommend filing a ticket, so Jamie can walk you through isolating the problem and getting it fixed.


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