Migrating servers - Fedora to Debian

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#1 Tue, 02/05/2008 - 10:53

Migrating servers - Fedora to Debian

I need to migrate from the Fedora server that I currently run Virtualmin on, to a new server running Debian. Can I do this using the server backup/restore? Is this pretty reliable?

Also, where do I stand on licensing when I do this. Can I transfer my license across? Can I have both running at the same time for a short while during the migration?

Cheers, Nicko

Tue, 02/05/2008 - 12:50
Joe's picture

Yes, of course you can do it with backup/restore. It's the only way I can imagine doing it with any reliability. ;-)

If you run into problems, report them in the tracker and we'll try to help, and try to prevent those problems in the future.

Licensing is fine with this. Migration is permitted, and you can have the same license on both machines for 30 days while making the move. You may get a license warning, but probably not--it depends on whether Virtualmin phones home before you've set the IPs and such (I haven't actually figured out what triggers it, but sometimes we get multiple server IDs for a single server). This will clear on its own in a few days, or you can bug me about it if it really bothers you, and I'll clear it manually. It won't show up to your customers--just the master administrative user.


Check out the forum guidelines!

Wed, 02/06/2008 - 10:50 (Reply to #2)

Many thanks for your prompt reply. I'll give it a shot and let you know if I run into any grief.


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