Submitted by dpark77 on Thu, 04/15/2021 - 13:48
While using the built-in editor in webmin for editing .conf files,
I noticed there's a coloriing of texts breaking when a wildcard (*) is in .conf files.
In nginx.conf, sometimes, there's a /* included in a file path calling.
e.g. include /usr/share/nginx/modules/*.conf; <-- slash wildcard
/* causes coloring to break or grey out all the texts below it.
Previous versions of webmin had no such issue.
Recent version seems to carry out /* (slash wildcard) as an omit/comment lines symbol.
Fixed (pending)
Virtualmin version:
Webmin version:
Thanks for reporting.
This was actually a bug in Nginx conf highlight lib.
It will be fixed with theme 19.75 release.