Must run suid root for multiuser support

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#1 Thu, 01/31/2008 - 08:41
ronald's picture

Must run suid root for multiuser support

this is the message I am getting in VM Pro. In VM GPL this was not the case.

I have a Dell PE with centos 5.1 I installed a Call of Duty 4 gameserver. This was running as long as the browser was opened. Then I installed screen and made the command line: screen -dmS ./cod4_lnxded +set dedicated 2 +set sv_punkbuster 1 +exec serversetting.cfg +map_rotate +set net_port 28960 +set net_ip

This was working in VM gpl.

Now I reinstalled the whole server (added a drive and made raid 5) in the same setup but with VM Pro. I made a user "callofduty4" and chowed that user with -R

I also made a domain with the default server template and copied all gameserver files in that directory to boot it up as that user. Same problem: Must run suid root for multiuser support

How can I make this work? What other info is needed? I installed screen through the software packages module through yum.

In the same way I made a user "teamspeak" and installed the teamspeak server. This is running fine and stays running after closing the webbrowser and without screen. Probably because it runs on its own

Fri, 02/01/2008 - 08:47
ronald's picture

solution just in case anyone is ever searching for it.

run the command like so (without S):

screen -dm ./cod4_lnxded +set dedicated 2 +set sv_punkbuster 1 +exec serversetting.cfg +map_rotate +set net_port 28960 +set net_ip lanIPhere

running in the background might work. Like so (with & at the end):
./cod4_lnxded +set dedicated 2 +set sv_punkbuster 1 +exec serversetting.cfg +map_rotate +set net_port 28960 +set net_ip lanIPhere &

However in the background didn't work for my system.


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