I have 2 near identical ubuntu 20.04 servers both managed by webmin pro today a kernel update was applied to both server A told me that it needed a reboot to fully apply the upgrade but server B did not. On server B the file
has not been written to inform of a reboot required so what would cause that file not to be written ?
Virtualmin version:
Webmin version:
Perhaps one of the servers has live patching setup and enabled. You could check the kernel version in use with uname -a command.
Live patch is not set up .. check both servers (neither have been restarted yet) and are showing the same version of kernel . mystery I guess
Probably some
like command was run or your server silently and voluntarily rebooted while you were grabbing a coffee? How should we know? :--) We would recommend checking boot logs.nothing at all ... server B is still running the old Kernel and the value stored in
doesn't indicate a restart it's like it forget to write the 2 files. unless of course someone in the data center did something strange with the vps at the same time.
What makes you think that the new kernel was applied?
What is the output of
uname -a
command?nothing makes me think it was applied .. however rebooted the server and the new kernel was applied .. oddly enough the unattended upgrades had purged the old kernel a few days ago, according to it's log. I'll keep an eye out for the next kernel update to see if the '/var/run/reboot-required' file is created, as I can not rely on webmin to tell me but I guess my other server will
You may be interesting in installing needrestart command.
Webmin simply checks for /var/run/reboot-required file existence, and if it exists, alert message is shown on the Dashboard.