Usermin User interface

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#1 Sat, 01/26/2008 - 15:08

Usermin User interface

Hi Guys,

Great job by the way on all the modules. Love the product.

One thing I've noticed in usermin, is with the new filter & forward feature (LOVE THAT), the users are sill using the old filter & auto-replies which causes a great a deal of messages in the ques, bounces, etc. Like I said, love the filter & forward feature. =)

QUESTION: Is there a way to rename the forward & auto-replies icon or have the option to hide that icon, so users don't see or use it? I suppose I could always upload my own icon with the same file name, but wonder if anyone else has this issue, and it might be worth a look by the VM for usability.

Just a thought.


Sat, 01/26/2008 - 15:21

OK, I'm a dork. Just found how to do it in VMin. It's true you do rock! =)

Usermin Config, Module Titles, Available Modules. (FYI for anyone with the same question...)

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