SVN repository setup ?

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#1 Wed, 01/16/2008 - 01:50

SVN repository setup ?

Hi, I've set up an SVN repository but having access problems. I'm using TortoiseSVN on windows XP. but when I try and access and enter a username and password I see in the error log :

user ticket not found: /svn/ticket user ticket.fife not found: /svn/ticket

(I tried both types of username) If I allow anonymous access I can see the (empty) folder from TortoiseSVN repo-browser

any help gratefully accepted, thanks in advance. Brian

I set up as follows:

Operating system CentOS Linux 5 Webmin version 1.380 Virtualmin version 3.50 (Pro)

in WEBMIN: Virtualmin Subversion Repositories, I have created a repository.

in VIRTUALMIN, Edit Mail and FTP Users, I have created a user:
Email only, DAV login not enabled, SVN login enabled allow access to the repositories

I also see the follwoing files, which indicate that things have been set up: /home/domain/etc/svn-access.conf

[ticket:/] name = rw

/home/domain/etc/svn.basic.password appears to have username/passwords which look fine.

Fri, 01/18/2008 - 00:56

anybody any idea ?

should I uninstall and try installing it manually ? is it a webmin/virtualmin issue. I'm not sure where to start looking now, as things do appear to be normal.

again, thanks in advance for any pointers.

Fri, 01/18/2008 - 07:34 (Reply to #2)

ok, seems like I got it working.
deleted everything and started again. I imported one file to the repository and its now there.
not sure why or how, but great.

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