Validate Virtual Servers - strange item

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#1 Sun, 01/06/2008 - 19:50

Validate Virtual Servers - strange item

Where it the hidden data...

I am moving a bunch of sites from and old server to the new one with Virtualmmin. I created the sites with a script and did a rsync on the home directory, when all the 600 or so sites moved over .. do a "Validate Virtual Servers" and come up with an errors on a sites, but this one, I don't even know were to look..

Home directory : Home directory /home/drd is owned by drd instead of drd

even after a " chown -R drd.drd /home/drd " I still get that..

I have move the passwd,group,shadow,gshadow over for passwords and so user and groups have changed and been renumbered. But Virtualmin must have saved a user number that no longer matches..

So any idea on how do I fix it.. or even where is the hidden data..

NEXT QUESTION ... It would be nice to get a current user/domain list from the system..

I need to rewrite the log programs. When you try to open up 600+ httpd and error logs you run out of file handles quickly.. So you let apache write it to one log file and you split it up ever so often. So I love to get a current user/domain list from the system, Where would I go for that, with out needing to split the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file to get it.

Thanks Don

Tue, 01/08/2008 - 07:27

ok I found the Command Line API that will give me my list to sort the log files, I still do not understand the validate issue..

To stop the ssh and ftp attacks, I use brute force dection. It is GNU General Public License and works great..


Don Peek

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