I've been asked a couple of times for this feature. Basically to have all emails to and from an account bcc'd to a separate address.
I know that virtualmin currently supports forwarding received mail to a list of addresses, but I'd also like to be able to forward mail sent by the user.
It seems sender_bcc_maps would be the way to do it, but I'd rather not fiddle with postfix configs manually. I've looked but can't find anything to do with this in the webmin postfix module.
In an ideal world, it would be good to have an extra field in the "Edit Mailbox" form under "Mail Forwarding Settings" to enter an address in (as i read the postfix docs, i don't think multiple addresses are supported)
Forward Received mail to: [..............] BCC Sent mail to: [..............]
Anyone have any thoughts on this? If it seems reasonable I'll file a feature request.
Cheers, Chris<br><br>Post edited by: ChrisBlackwell, at: 2007/12/17 05:13
That sounds like a reasonable request to me - I'll look into implementing it.
Do you think it would make sense to be enabled at the domain level or user level? I imagine that in most cases you'd want to bcc mail for all users in a domain ..
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