Manage Database 404

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#1 Tue, 07/02/2019 - 04:15

Manage Database 404


I've just discovered that my Virtualmin install now won't let me manage any databases. Every time I try, I receive a 404 error

Nothing has changed and the system is fully up-to-date running Debian 9

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!



Tue, 07/02/2019 - 08:53


Someone else just reported a similar issue here in the Forums -- could you create a bug report regarding that in the support tracker?

I unfortunately haven't been able to reproduce this, but with a bug report in the support tracker we can get Jamie to take a closer look and sort out what's going on there. Thanks!


Tue, 07/02/2019 - 09:17

Hi Eric

I'll do that now, but I've just noticed it's dependant on how the feature is navigated to. For example:

Edit Databases -> Manage (under Actions) -> Drop Database << This works


Edit Databses -> Click DB name -> Manage Database -> Drop Database << This elicits a 404

So it looks like it's not actually a core problem, just a navigational one



Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:38

In the meantime, you can manage your database/s in webmin>servers>mysql database...

I am the other user with this issue and I whilst in also cannot use virtualmin for database management without 404 errors, I have no problems when I use webmin to do it.

Mine only started doing this recently after an upgrade from GPL to pro.

I suspect it could also be Mod security causing it but in all honesty I am not sure because I can't find this error in the logs

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