Installing dependencies and system packages [ERROR] Failed with error: 141 [ ✘ ]
[ERROR] Something went wrong. Exiting. [ERROR] The last few log entries were: Importing GPG key 0xF2EE9D55: Userid : "CentOS SoftwareCollections SIG (https://w <security@cent>" Fingerprint: C4DB D535 B1FB BA14 F8BA 64A8 4EB8 4E71 F2 EE 9D55 From : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-SIG-SC Lo Installing PHP7: Success. Spin pid is: 16283 There is no installed groups file. Maybe run: yum groups mark convert (see man yum) Marking 'Virtualmin LEMP Stack' for install: Success. Spin pid is: 16493 Marking 'Virtualmin Core' for install: Success. Spin pid is: 16626 Installing dependencies and system packages: [2019-06-11 08:41:14 CEST] [ERROR] Failed with error: 141 [2019-06-11 08:41:14 CEST] [ERROR] Something went wrong. Exiting. [2019-06-11 08:41:14 CEST] [ERROR] The last few log entr ies were: