Block IP

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#1 Sat, 10/27/2007 - 19:26

Block IP

I have a bot attacking my FTP server, is there anything built into virtualmin to block the IP or do I have edit my IP tables?

Sun, 10/28/2007 - 18:06

I use webmin's linux firewall to block a range of ip's abusing services on my box. I also use <a href='http://fail2ban' target='_blank'>fail2ban</a> to watch failed login attempts against ftp, apache, and other services you can monitor.

Mon, 10/29/2007 - 14:45
Joe's picture

As jaldeguer mentioned, the thing &quot;built into Virtualmin&quot; is the Linux Firewall module. It's a comprehensive UI for iptables.

You might also experiment with some variant of the example rules that Leif posted a while back to reduce SSH brute force attacks. The principle is the same, regardless of protocol (assuming the protocol is not stateless), and I believe FTP is a connection oriented protocol, so should work the same way.

Here's the thread about those rules:;Itemid=77&a...

(You'd do it for port 21 and 20 for FTP, instead of 22.)


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