Where to download custom Apache package?

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#1 Sat, 10/27/2007 - 11:05

Where to download custom Apache package?

The documentation refers to a customized Apache package, but if one is on GPL and can't use the install script, where does one get it?

I read through the script and couldn't find the answer, but maybe I'm blind. I need a .deb.


Sun, 10/28/2007 - 18:12

if your using debian or ubuntu. have you tried apt-cache search to find what your looking for? You may also have to add some repositories in your source.list file.

Mon, 10/29/2007 - 13:07

That's my question. What is the address of the repository that contains this package? This a Virtualmin-customized package, according to the documentation online, and yet I can find no mention of where to obtain it.

Does anyone know? Seems like this and any other custom packages should be linked from the download page.


Mon, 10/29/2007 - 14:49
Joe's picture

If you're using Debian 4.0:

deb http://software.virtualmin.com/gpl/debian/ virtualmin-etch main

If not, you'll need to grab the source and rebuild (which I'll leave as an exercise for the reader, as Debian/Ubuntu makes rebuilding from source debs a real bitch).

I plan to make the GPL installer available for CentOS 4 in the next couple of days, and I might consider Ubuntu 6.06 if there is sufficient demand (I really recommend Debian 4.0 over Ubuntu 6.06, at least until the new LTS release of Ubuntu comes out--the packages are just better).


Check out the forum guidelines!

Wed, 10/31/2007 - 17:23

So, you are saying the package wont even work with Debian testing?

That was something I was wondering actually. I might just start over and do this by the book on Debian. Is 4.0 the way to go, with Virtualmin?


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