These forums are locked and archived, but all topics have been migrated to the new forum. You can search for this topic on the new forum: Search for No Bandwidth usage of sub-servers on the new forum.
I am using Virtualmin inside Webmin and like to use the feature Bandwidth Usage Graph. So I configured Apache to place the log files to the "right" paths and it shows data for alle Servers.
However, I have some users managing more sub-servers and only the main ("parent") servers are shown with content. It seems like the traffic of all sub-servers are merged and shown as the traffic of the parent server.
So, when I view the "Parent and sub-Servers" tab, there is less traffic for the parent server than in the summary view. All the sub-servers are listed BUT they show no graph, no limit and "0 bytes" as usage.
Is this a bug or did I configure something wrong?
I am using version 3.47.gpl in master admin mode.
Thanks, Michael
I have same problem! I am using virtualmin gpl 3.48.
It's probably till i updated virtualmin from version 3.46
Adam.<br><br>Post edited by: vegetagt, at: 2007/10/26 13:17
Try using a Mozilla browser....Firefox.....
Hi There,
I am facing the same problem here...
I have no bandwidth usage report at all!
Hi There!
Did you guys find any solution for this bug/problem?
it doesnt help :P
is there no solution for us :( ?