Is current virtualmin version compatible to debian 9.8?

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#1 Sun, 04/07/2019 - 03:15

Is current virtualmin version compatible to debian 9.8?

Hi there,

i have various issues with my different serverparts under debian 9.8.

-> Dovecot said it wouldn't run, restart service won't yield any result. Checking log it said, that it was up already (but webmin didn't note) So i decided to let it just the way it is. Now, approx. 12hrs later, when i look into server status again; it realized, that it is up and running. - But spam assassin would run yesterday, but today it seemed to be stopped. So i restarted, and after a couple of minutes it seems to run. - Whereas i can restart dovecot / postfix also in the webmin module, i cannot restart apache, since the load configuration / restart /stop part of the module is missing. Was this omitted on purpose or is it just some sort of bug?

Thanks and best j_m PS: Being a little confused: with debian 9.8 i would use systemctl restart apache2.service in the shell instead of service apache2 restart .. But when i try either of them i will get an error message: failed to restart apache2.service: Unit apache2.service not found. What is happening here?