Issue with Default Server and mod_pagespeed

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#1 Wed, 04/03/2019 - 13:36

Issue with Default Server and mod_pagespeed

The server has just been rebuilt from new (Centos 7) and all web sites imported using the Virtualmin Import. (worked like a champ)

But I am having issues with mod_pagespeed. It is seeing the default web server as a "real" web site. Normally this would not be issue but the Default Web site is not using the simple index.html file I placed in /var/www/html, it is always using the "first" virtualhost it finds in the .conf file.

So if I point my browser at it always displays


if I point my browser to then it displays the simple file in /var/www/html

Anyone have any ideas as to what is going on?

Many Thanks - Nigel Aves