umask set to 0022 not 002 for user

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#1 Wed, 03/20/2019 - 20:02

umask set to 0022 not 002 for user

Hi, we have a user in Webmin -> Edit Users that is not the main user. We want to use it for SFTP and we are using User Private Groups. It is getting its umask set to 0022, not 002.

Im /etc/profiles we have

UID -gt 199 ] && [ "/usr/bin/id -gn" = "/usr/bin/id -un" ]; then umask 002 else umask 022 fi

And in the user

-sh-4.2$ /usr/bin/id -gn = tvppclientarea

-sh-4.2$ /usr/bin/id -un =

Which is why it is 0022.

What is the proper way of fixing this without breaking stuff?