Edit mail and Ftp user not available Domain owner

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#1 Fri, 09/28/2007 - 11:59

Edit mail and Ftp user not available Domain owner


I have many virtual domain that I manage with webmin 1.370 and Virtual min 3.46.gpl.

I want to give the rights to manage to Domain owner their own domain.

When the domain owner click on Virtual Email he don't see the button to Edit mail and Ftp user (and also Edit Mail Alias) see attached picture.

[img size=399]http://www.virtualmin.com/components/com_fireboard/uploaded/images/Snap2... I verify the Module config of Virtual Min and all is rights.

Do you have any ideas ?

thanks a lot

Patrice<br><br>Post edited by: PatriceLeclerc, at: 2007/09/28 12:00