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#1 Mon, 02/25/2019 - 06:20


Hi all, I have recently install ubuntu 18.04 with Webmin/virtualmin on a VPS envoirment. After setting up the ubuntu i am getting this problem.... (and many others) By creating a Domain or changing the existing Domain i have no option for activate ssl-Website. In my previous Installation on Ubuntu 16.04 with Virtualmin there was never an issue. now i dont have I als tried to find out to check all other configuration within virtualmin. ( Administration options or Server Configuraion, Apache etc)

Where can i beginn to fix this problem.? Thanks for your kind help..

regards Inam

Operating system: Ubuntu Linux 18.04.2

Webmin version: 1.900

Usermin version: 1.751

Virtualmin version: 6.06-2

Apache version 2.4.29

PHP versions: 7.2.15, 7.3.2

Mon, 02/25/2019 - 06:34

Hi all, Could find the solution. The Option has to be active under "System Settings --> Features and Plugins". It works :-)

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