Apache 2 virtual host config

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#1 Mon, 06/18/2007 - 08:33

Apache 2 virtual host config


When I create a virtual host with virtualmin, the config is appened in the httpd.conf file.

I think this is not the correct behaviour, especially in a gentoo config. I prefer every virtual host to have its config in a separate file.

Is it possible to do this?


Mon, 06/18/2007 - 17:48
Joe's picture

Hey Julien,

Sure. It's all configurable in the module configuration for the Apache module.

The options are "File or directory to add virtual servers to" and "Filename pattern for virtual servers". Where the first would be some subdirectory of /etc/apache2 or /etc/httpd or something.


Check out the forum guidelines!

Tue, 06/19/2007 - 01:54

Thanks ^^
I have noticed that by default the file is $DOM.conf, so if my domain is mydomain.com, then the conf file will be mydomain.com.conf.

Is it possible to have mydomain.conf instead?

Fri, 06/22/2007 - 17:20

That answers one of my questions. Is there a description of the various options in Webmin/Virtualmin lurking anywhere. I've had to dig through the code to find answers to some seemingly simple questions.

Fri, 06/22/2007 - 17:31 (Reply to #4)
Joe's picture

Hey John,

Lack of comprehensive documentation is one of the things we need to fix before ending the Early Adopter period. It's definitely a "beta" indicator when the docs aren't complete.

That said, almost every option in Virtualmin has popup help, and the administrators guide on the documentation page includes a reference form of all of those options.

We're launching the new website tonight, which includes a wiki and some significant enhancements to all of the docs. The new website includes better search functionality, and the fact the docs are in a wiki will make it easier for us to move things from bugs and forum discussions into the documentation.

The biggest problem is that Virtualmin is such a big project. It does way too many things--every one of them is "seemingly simple", but by the time there are several hundred functions and options, it becomes difficult to make all things obvious. There's only so many menu items we can have on the front page before things begin to get scary. Virtualmin is more flexible than any other product on the market in this space (by an order of magnitude, at least)--most products in this space don't give you an option like this, so they don't have to document it! Makes their product "easier" to use, but it doesn't do what you want, so it's a loss even though it's easier. ;-)

It's a hard problem, but we do take it seriously, and have some plans in place to address some of the usability issues that come from being all things to all people (which is a pretty serious problem in and of itself, if we aren't careful).


Check out the forum guidelines!

Fri, 06/22/2007 - 17:40

Thanks for the swift reply. I'm just getting my feet wet with Virtualmin, but it looks like a terrific product. My needs are modest and my web host provided Plesk. Maybe it is a fine product but 1) I'm a card-carrying control freak, 2) it was just too slow, 3) it only supports port 8443 (firewall unfriendly), and 4) I really want the virtual hosts done MY way.

Virtualmin is like going to a restaurant with wall-to-wall menus. It's just so hard to decide...

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