These forums are locked and archived, but all topics have been migrated to the new forum. You can search for this topic on the new forum: Search for You don't have permission to access / on this server. on the new forum.
This one got me yesterday. Changed the admin password for a server while logged in on https://somedomain:port and now browsing gives you :
Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
I thought it was the application so set the password back to the original and still get the same results. I thought I saw this come up as a question before but can't find it as applied.
I'm on CentOS 4.4 webmin 1.350-1 VMPro 3.40 usermin 1.280
Hi Dan,
1. The latest update fixes this bug.
2. Related question... cPanel migration
And, to add to what A H said, you can fix the problem with:
chmod 750 /home/domainname
Check out the forum guidelines!
Thanks for the help AH, Joe. I'd thought that was taken care of through the install updates feature.
We're moving the whole place to another city over the next 3 weeks and I'm fried 8-|