Let's encrypt complete mail

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#1 Tue, 11/27/2018 - 06:36

Let's encrypt complete mail

Hopefully I'm in the right place/section with this question:

My supervisor asked me to change the way Let's Encrypt sends out the renewal / complete mail. However I've not been able to find the location of the configuration files. According to webmin wiki it should be in etc/letsencrypt but that folder doesnt't exist. Is it possible to change this in GUI?

At the moment Let's Encrypt sends a mail to domain.tld@domain.tld this needs to be change to the admin user of the virtual domain or a set mailbox.

Kind regards,


Wed, 02/06/2019 - 05:29

For every user (aka domain) created, if you were to go to Edit Users->Click on the Domain user (domain) -> Email Settings

You can set "Send updated account email to" to a different address.

Or if you really want

Look in System Settings-> Server Templates->Default Settings

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