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hi i apologize because I have a really dumb question that my searches can't seem to answer. Right now I have an ftp account created for a specific home directory that uses the format of "username@domain.tld" for the login, but i want just "username" without the "@domain.tld" portion. I dont mind the user being an admin, but i the ability to specify the homedirectory is a must.... anyone have any tips, guide, or resource they can point an idiot like me to? thanks!
If you want to FTP into the server, you could create a user outside of virtualmin which should let you in without any tld:
adduser bob
To specify home directory:
usermod -d /tmp bob
Changing default shell to /bin/false to disallow bash login:
chsh -s /bin/false bob
If this is your first time, do this on a test server first to confirm all my handwritten code.