FPM/FastCGI is running as www-data not as the user.

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#1 Wed, 10/17/2018 - 23:14

FPM/FastCGI is running as www-data not as the user.

After the last update I've noticed that all the config profiles for php have started to use 7.2. For some reason the only php.ini that will load is /etc/php/7.2/fpm/php.ini and not the one under each users virtualmin php settings. Is there a way to fix this to go back to using the users settings and running FPM/FastCGI as the user?

Update: So after some interesting playing around I've worked out the following. When I run php as FPM it runs as the correct user for the home directory - but ignores the selected version of PHP defaulting to 5.6.38 - Odd. Still not using the users php.ini

In FCGId it will run 7.2.11 however the user changes to www-data and does not use the users php.ini

I think I've messed something up somewhere. :-(

Sun, 10/21/2018 - 00:07

What user:group is listed in your conf file in /etc/php/5.6/fpm/ ? (Or whatever directory it is in on your server)

Also check to conf file for the other php versions.

Maybe it has reverted to www-data for some reason?

Also whilst you are in the php directories check ownership and permissions.

Perhaps you copy and post the php version conf file contents here

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